Amplify your impact and achieve your goals for social change

ResonanceATL works to strengthen the nonprofit sector by helping organizations and donors use their resources to accomplish more good. We partner with clients to eliminate the distractions that drain resources so they can concentrate on the activities that maximize their impact.

Increasing Mission-Driven Impact

Develop a giving plan that allows you to be:

Adopt governance practices and policies that enable you to:

Develop a strategic plan that empowers you to:

  • Strategic in your approach to giving
  • Intentional and informed in your decision making
  • Confident of your impact
  • Joyful in fulfilling your purpose
  • Provide strategic, transparent oversight
  • Conduct productive, participatory meetings
  • Make informed, consensus-based decisions
  • Develop collaborative, trusting relationships
  • Transform the mission into action
  • Use proven program strategies
  • Drive decisions and actions toward desired goals
  • Align the team around shared goals
Donor ServicesGovernanceStrategy & Planning

Increasing Mission-Driven Impact

No matter the type or magnitude of the change a nonprofit is working to create, it needs more than a compelling vision. To make a meaningful impact, it requires a number of elements including, a solid strategy to achieve its mission, an engaged board and high-performing leaders, and generous donors. The work of ResonanceATL takes a comprehensive view of what the nonprofit sector needs to succeed and strengthens the ability of each part to contribute to achieving their mission-driven goals.

Graphic showing interaction of donors, nonprofit organizations and nonprofit sector capacity

No matter the type or magnitude of the change a nonprofit is working to create, it needs more than a compelling vision. To make a meaningful impact requires a number of elements, including a solid mission-based strategy, an engaged board, high-performing leaders, and generous donors. The work of ResonanceATL takes a comprehensive view of what the nonprofit sector needs to succeed and strengthens the ability of each part to contribute to achieving their mission-driven goals.

How We Work with Clients:
Finding What's Important

With all of our clients, we start by defining what goals are most important to them and what motivates them. We also determine what's getting in the way, so we can minimize the distractions. Then we partner to concentrate clients' resources and energy on achieving their priorities and amplifying their mission.

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Individual Donors

Become more strategic and confident they are achieving the impact they want while experiencing the joy of giving

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Corporate Donors

Reinforce their unique culture and values with an integrated program focusing on relevant issues, engages employees and builds goodwill

Icon for nonprofit organizations
Nonprofit Entities

Increase their impact by following plans that define a path toward achieving evidence-based goals and make decision making and communications easier

Icon for nonprofit Board
Nonprofit Boards

Provide more strategic, transparent oversight with policies, practices and training that create productive, relevant and participatory meetings and informed, consensus-based decision making

Icon for leadership development and coaching
Nonprofit Leaders

Use their full capacity to lead through better communications and collaboration that motivates and engages their team and improves performance

News & Thoughts

Nonprofit Boards Really Are Different

All Boards are created differently, they have their own Bylaws, members who represent a variety of perspectives and strategies they are striving to accomplish. But there are some distinct aspects that Nonprofit Boards face that are distinct from those of For- Profit Boards that make serving as a Nonprofit Board member even more complex.

See the Comparison

Learn How to Enhance the Impact of Your Donations

ResonanceATL's Faye and Kelly had a great conversation recently with Maggie Kulyk about some of the issues that donors can consider when deciding where to direct their charitable dollars, including how to find a focus area you care about and how to ensure your contributions make an impact.

Trust-Based Governance

Some of the most significant and practically meaningful outcomes of better governance practices are strong, trust-based relationships between the board and the executive. Clearly, that trust broke down at Open AI. Having the right practices in place can reduce areas of friction and take personalities out of the equation (at least to some extent). Read more.

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Why Resonance?

Everything in the universe has a natural frequency. When two objects have frequencies that are synchronized, each becomes stronger. Because enacting change is difficult and complex, ResonanceATL works with our clients to synchorize their purpose, effort and resources, resulting in deep, clear and continuing impact.

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